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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Secrets of Sales Letter

The Secrets of Sales Letter

Most people make writing sales letters way too complicated. And for good reason - that's how they're taught.

You probably got your instruction from someone who lives, eats, sleeps and breathes copywriting. So naturally, they're going to share with you every trick, tactic and method for enhancing your copywriting skills.

Most of those tricks work. But the problem is: if you have a thousand tricks you "know about", which ones do you use for each sales letter?

If you have too many options, it's too easy to not want to write the letter at all... or to take forever writing it... or the sales letter sucks because you tried to do too much with it.

In most cases, a simple straight to the point sales letter - especially for something you're selling for $47 or less - will be the best case. And it's also brain dead easy to write these. Here's how to do it.

Start With the Offer

The biggest reason most people write copy that doesn't convert is their readers leave the page before they even know what the offer is. That sucks!

So how do you remedy this? You open your sales letter right up with the fact you're selling them something, and why you think it's in their best interest to take a look at what you're offering, and consider purchasing it.

Let's do an example to illustrate this.

"If you're looking for an easy way to grow upside down tomatoes, then what I have to offer you today just might do the trick. I've painstakingly put together a guide that shows all the great tips on how to grow upside down tomatoes, and for a limited time I'm making it available to you for only $17.

I believe you'll find this to be worth much more than the tiny $17 you'll have to invest to get your hands on it. Why? Well here's what you'll discover when you sign up to get your report on how to grow upside down tomatoes..."

And then you simply describe every benefit they'll be privy to if they do decide to purchase your product.

There's nothing magical about that, is there? It is straight forward. You have something you think is a great deal. You let them know that. Then you show them why it is a great deal. No big story. No "problem, agitate, solve" methods. No fancy tricks to "hook the reader" in. Just a straight forward message that says - I have a great offer for you and here's why you should purchase it.

Communicating Your Benefits

So you opened your copy up with the straight forward approach we talked about above. Now it's time to describe your benefits. The best way to do this is with bullet points. And the easiest way to write bullet points is to collect good bullet points, then model your own bullet points after them.

What that means is spending an hour or so looking at sales letters that have really good bullet points, and then saving the best bullet points into a text file, so you can consult it any time you need ideas.

For example, in our bullet point swipe file we might see this:

What niches will almost never work for recruiting joint venture partners - and what to do instead...

So for our example we could create a bullet point that says...

What methods almost never work for growing big upside down tomatoes... and what to do instead to grow plump, delicious tomatoes almost every time... 

Again not rocket science. Just 15 to 20 bullet points about what you have.

Or, you could write a few paragraphs that explain the things they'll discover once they get their hands on your product. That's it.

Use the Golden Guarantee

After you communicate the benefits, now explain that it comes with a 100% money back guarantee.

Here's one that works really good that you can almost use word for word. We call this the golden guarantee and here it is...

Get your hands on this guide immediately. Open it up and read just the first 10 pages of the report. If after 10 minutes you don't already feel you've gotten more than your money's worth, I demand you contact me and I will promptly and quietly return every penny of your purchase... no questions asked.

Better yet - take a full 30 days to use this guide and benefit from it. If within those 30 days for any reason - or no reason at all - you are unsatisfied then let me know and I will return 100% of your investment that day.

You risk nothing and you stand to gain everything today. So act now and sign up! 

You can change just a few words and literally use this guarantee with almost anything you sell.

Optional - Throw In Bonuses

If you want to "take it to the next level" you can throw in additional bonuses if you wish. This is where you'd put it - right after the guarantee. A subhead that says "Act today and also get these 3 bonuses" works great.

Then you simply explain each bonus they get if they act immediately today.

The Close

At the end you simply just tell them to invest, and re-iterate in a paragraph or two everything they get and remind them of the money back guarantee. Then tell them how to sign up. It's that simple.

Will this produce the highest converting sales letters on the planet? Nope. But it will allow you to create "good enough" sales letters so you can get something out there and start making sales ASAP.

And good enough is good enough!

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